Sunday, November 30, 2008

Outside's scary.

If anxiety disorder was a fruit bowl, fears and phobias would be the fruits in it. One these fruits would be agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is the fear of public or unfamiliar places, which have no avenues of escape for the sufferers. Due to this, individuals suffering from agoraphobia confine themselves to their homes.

Agoraphobia in Greek literally means 'fear of the marketplace'. Sufferers become hyper anxious in unfamiliar places which is triggered by the individuals having no control over their surroundings. Crowds as well as open spaces may trigger a panic attack. Sufferers of agoraphobia are also anxious of travelling for this requires them to step outside of their comfort zone.

It affects women more than men; for every male with agoraphobia, there are two females. Psychological and genetic factors may be responsible for this phobia, but concrete causes are unknown.

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